Presentation of the menu on the left in vertical mode :


  • Home page: Return to this page from all others
  • Filters: Target criterias
  • Contacts: Criteria and viewing of contacts lists
  • Companies: Criterias and viewing of compnanies lists
  • Campaign gains: List of all the campaign gains created in andzup - Possibility of cross-referencing
  • Brands: All the information available on the brands: Agencies in charge - Advertising creations - Campaign gains - Advertisers contacts
  • Emailing: link to the registered emailing tool

The 4 tabs of the home page : 

  • My favorites: Lists and views of qualified companies and/or contacts as favorites during the user journey (learn more)
  • Movements: List of all the movements made by the data collectors from Monday to Friday of the previous week : Sorting and searching on this list (learn more)
  • My lists: All saved company/contact lists. Possibility to work and update these lists in the platform: New contacts / Notion of favorites / hide companies or contacts / modify the criteria of a list / refine the search / create a new list (learn more)
  • My sales actions: list of all actions created on contacts (learn more)
  • In yellow: unprocessed and late
  • In green : upcoming actions

Trends :

  • 9 trends available and updated .
  • The view changes each return on the home page.

  • Possibility to select from the list of trends :

Presentation of trends:

(learn more)

Latest news:

andzup provides real-time feeds from over 30 media and industry newsletters.

It also brings up the latest contents of the platform: Nominees - Creatives - Campaign gains - new advertisers - new agencies

Click on "See more" to open all the news

The news feed takes into account the profile created by the user at the time of the first connection: it will bring up the information related to the registered profile in priority.

Our suggestions for you : 

Depending on the profile created during the first login andzup put forward company/contact leads to the homepage daily.: 

New Companies/Contact Appointments - Movements and Updates

(learn more)